1. Hinduism
Hinduism is one of the oldest known organized religions in the world. It is also considered one of the most complex and diverse religion, having thousands of gods, with a wide variety of core beliefs and exists in many different sects. Hinduism is the dormant and largest religion practices across India.
The Bhagavad Gita is a very important text of Hinduism, was also practiced by the late Mahatma Gandhi. Although that Hinduism is practiced by the millions, it has no single scripture, founder, or even a common set of teachings. The knowledge and wisdom of Hinduism have been passed down from generation to generation. And the traditions in Hinduism have always emphasized peace and harmony.
2. Christianity
Christianity is the largest organized religion in the world, with 2.4 billion adherents and followers around the world. It is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, who is the focal point of the Christian faith, and referred as the Messiah that was prophesied in the Old Testament.
Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God and the savior of humanity. Christianity has played an important role in the forming of the Western civilization, which today, over 33% of the global population are Christians.
3. Buddhism
Buddhism is another peaceful religion that has exists since many years ago. The teachings of Buddhism are based on dharma that encompasses a variety of traditions, spiritual practices, and beliefs that are largely formed from the original teachings of the Buddha.
Buddhism was originally founded in ancient India, from where the religion then spread across a larger part of Asia. Buddhism is considered the fourth-largest religion in the world, with over 520 million followers, or over 7% of the global population.
4. Taoism
Taoism, which can also be known as Daoism, is a religious or philosophical tradition of Chinese origin which emphasizes the living in harmony with the Tao. Tao is the fundamental idea in most Chinese philosophical schools. And Taoism is the principle that is the source, substance, and pattern of everything that exists.
Taoism is different than Confucianism. The teachings of Taoism vary depending on the particular school, but in general, Taoism emphasizes the art of “naturalness”, simplicity, and spontaneity. Yinyang is the concept of naturalist and was practiced in Taoism. The Tao Te Ching, a compact book that contained the teachings of Laozi is widely considered the fundamentals of Taoism and where the teaching was based.
5. Jainism
Jainism is one of the most ancient Indian religions and is also a religion of peace. It is traditionally known as Jain Dharma, which is based on the three main principles, ahimsa that practices non-violence, anekantavada that practices non-absolutism, and aparigraha that practices non-attachment.
And these principles have greatly impacted the culture of Jain followers where the majority of them are practice a vegetarian lifestyle to avoid animal killings that will harm their life cycles. Namokar Mantra is the most common and fundamental prayer in Jainism.
6. Judaism
Judaism is also an ancient monotheistic Abrahamic religion like Christianity, but it is based on the Torah as its foundational text. Judaism is considered the tenth-largest religion in the world with over 17 million followers in the world.
Judaism is the expression of the covenant that God established with the Children of Israel. It includes a wide corpus of texts, theological positions, practices, and organization. The Torah is the larger part of the text known as the Tanakh or the Hebrew Bible, the supplemental oral tradition that represented by later texts including Midrash and the Talmud.
7. Sikhism
Sikhism is another peaceful religion originated from the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent. It is considered the youngest and major world religions. The fundamental beliefs of Sikhism are based on the sacred scripture, Guru Granth Sahib.
Sikhism practices constant spiritual meditation of God’s name instead of yielding to the psyche, living a householder’s life instead of monasticism, being selfless service to others, equality of all human beings, and truthful action to dharma, right righteousness. There are over 25 million Sikhs around the world, and the majority of them are living in the Indian state of Punjab.
8. Atheism
Atheism, in a broad sense, is the absence of belief in the existence of deities. The word ‘atheism’ originated from ancient Greek, which means “without god”. Atheism spread due to free-thought, skeptical inquiry, and subsequent increase in criticism of religion.
The first individual to identify themselves with the word ‘atheism’ was from the Age of Enlightenment during the French Revolution. Atheism is rationales for not believing in deities include arguments that there is a lack of empirical evidence, the argument of inconsistent revelations, and the argument from non-beliefs. Although some atheists have adopted the philosophies of humanism, there is no one ideology or set of behaviors to which the atheists adhere.
9. Islam
Islam is a religion teaches that there is only one God, which is Allah. And the prophet Muhammad is the messenger of God. Islam is considered the world’s second-largest religion in the world and the fastest growing major religion with over 1.8 billion followers or about 24% of the world’s population.
Followers who practice Islam are called Muslims. Islam teaches that God is merciful, unique, all-powerful and has guided mankind through prophets, scriptures, and natural signs. The primary scripture of Islam is Quran and is often considered the verbatim word of God by the Muslims.
10. Zoroastrianism
Zoroastrianism is another peaceful religion in the world, which also natively known as Mazdayasna, is one of the world’s oldest extant religions. The major features of Zoroastrianism such as heaven and hell, messianism, and free will have influenced other religious systems, including Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
Zoroastrianism is based on the teachings of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster, it exalts a deity of wisdom, Azura Mazda as its supreme being and the Wise Lord. Most of the Zoroastrians live in India and in Iran, and this religion is also being practiced amongst the Kurds.
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