“Goals may give focus, but dreams give power.” — John Maxwell In order to create his own reality, one must believe in the process of visualization. The process of visualization involves a stage of aiming, setting a goal and working for it, but mostly, it’s the power of dreaming that puts one on the right […]
Archive | Law of Attraction
How to Act As If and Feel Like You Already Have It
Are you feeling stuck in your current situation? Do you find yourself longing for something more but aren’t sure how to get there? As conscious beings, we are always creating new thoughts. Every thought that flows through our conscious brain has its own energy that will attach itself in and around your physical form. These […]
How to Feel Good About Yourself 24 x 7: The Most Exclusive Guide
There are bright days, and then there are not-so-bright days. When the dark rises, we end up being too hard on ourselves. We feel like it will never end and begin to lose hope. However, it is then, when we should hold onto hope more than ever. By containing yourself inside the box of negativity, […]
How to Act As If You Already Have It

The principle of “acting as if” is an old concept that was first written about a century ago by William James who was a philosopher and also a trained physician. He actually coined the principle and outlined how to create motivation to do things that people are reluctant to do. Today, the “act as if” […]
Whatever You Are Looking For is Also Looking For You

Actress, author and screenwriter Sahndra Fon Dufe once said: “Whatever you are looking for is also looking for you. You see, don’t only look. Be available and ready when it shows up.” This is similar to Rumi’s words which say: “what you are seeking is seeking you”. But what could both phrases, similar in their […]
How To Use Law Of Attraction To Cure Serious Diseases

We have heard about how people who suffer from severe illness such as a stage-four cancer where the doctor claims that the patient has no possibility to survive, yet, the patient manage to not only survive but get healthy and stay healthy through the power of attraction. The Law of Attraction is one of the […]
How to Use LOA to Manifested Awesome and Generous Neighbors

When it comes to Law of Attraction (LOA) and manifesting a good relationship, the first thing that most people will think about is their lovers and their family members, not many people will actually think about building and manifesting a great relationship with their neighbors. There is a saying, “You can pick your friends, but […]
How Do You Make A Vision Board On Pinterest?

Creating a vision board and visualizing the things that you want to achieve in your life is one of the most powerful and effective method to manifest what you want. Most people understand the concept of how a vision board works, but they don’t do it because it will take effort to create a good […]
Top 15 Benefits of Having Your Own Vision Board

Visualization is one of the most powerful tools that is available in everyone’s arsenal to achieve great success in life. And the use of a vision board has been scientifically proven to be able to increase the activity of visualization through our minds. When we look at the pictures of the things that we want, […]
How to Attract Abundance in Life? (5 Ways)

The universe is abundant. There is more than enough of everything for everyone in this world. Take a look around you and you will find that nature is extravagant, lavish and always in abundance. And if you are living in a struggle and tired of the rat race, it means that you are not living […]