Luck is a subjective topic. Some people believe in luck while some do not. None of us can be lucky all the time, but there is no doubt that there are times when people tend to be luckier than others.
The word “luck” is defined as the success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one’s own actions. While when you tell someone “good luck”, you are expressing your wishes for his or her success.
Well, luck is a random occurrence of chance. If it is something that happens by chance or in a random order, why do people wish someone else good luck?
And does wishing someone good luck can make a difference in their lives? Let’s take a look at the two scenarios below.
1. Wishing Someone Good Luck Without her Acknowledgment
If you are wishing someone good luck without his or her acknowledgment, scientifically speaking, nothing will happen. It is just like praying and wishing someone for a positive turn of event. According to science, nothing will actually happen to change or improve the chance of the person’s success or failure.
However, from the Law of the Universe’s point of view, your thoughts are vibrations and they can change and alter the event. One of the best examples is Albert Einstein’s experience with “spooky action at a distance”. Whether wishing someone good luck without their acknowledgment will affect the result is still a big mystery because it is subjective to measure and to gauge the results.
2. Wishing Someone Good Luck With her Acknowledgment
The second scenario is where you wish someone good luck with his or her acknowledgment. This is a very common event where people will wish someone else good luck in their attempt, whether it is in their new career, new business venture, or even when they are taking exams in schools.
A Source of Inspiration and Support
So why do people wish others good luck when they know it will never change the circumstance or the chance? Well, one of the reasons is to show support and to inspire them. When you tell your children good luck in their exams, you are inspiring them to do better. And when you wish your partner good luck in their new business venture, you are showing a sign of support.
Of course, this only happens if you wish someone else good luck from the bottom of your heart and they understand your intention. Sometimes, wishing someone good luck has become so common that people will just say it without having any meaning at all.
Changes in the Mindset
According to an article from Forbes, people will never be luckier when someone wishes them good luck, but what can happen is that they may experience a change in their mindset. Someone who believes that she is good luck will often look at the positive side of things, even if the event did not change. On the other hand, when someone believes that she is bad luck, she will choose to look from a negative side of things.
In other words, people who experience good luck is someone who is more optimistic while someone who experiences bad luck is someone who is more pessimistic. As what Martin Seligman wrote, “Optimists endure the same storms in life as pessimists. But they weather them better and emerge from them better off.” In a nutshell, lucky people tend to see the opportunity in every problem, while people who believe they are bad luck will see the problem in every situation.
For instance, when Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Airlines was stranded in an airport due to flight cancellation, instead of thinking that he had a bad luck and complain about the situation, he chose to look at the positive side of things. Branson looked at the problem as an opportunity in disguise and chartered a plane and sold the tickets to the other stranded passengers. This was how he started his airline business, which made him a billionaire.
Does Wishing Someone Good Luck Really Make Them Lucky?
The answer is it depends. If someone took in the wishes and make it personal, they started to believe that they are lucky, they will experience a shift in their mindset. They become optimistic and brave. They dare to take action and follow their instinct because they believe that they are lucky.
On the contrary, if someone chooses not to believe in it, nothing will actually happen to them. Everything will remain the same as things are happening at random and up to change.
In addition, if someone chooses to believe they have a bad luck, they will be cautious with their actions and tend to see things differently. Even when a good solid opportunity is presented to them, they may miss the opportunity because they believe they do not have the luck to enjoy the rewards.
Therefore, what truly happens is in the mindset of the one who receives the good wish. When they accept and believe that they have good luck, they will operate from a different mindset. And if they believe that they have bad luck, they will operate from a totally different mindset.
Please remember that the real change is in the person, not the event or the circumstances. Just like the old adage of seeing the glass of water as half empty or half full, the water in the glass remains the same, what changes is the person’s perspective of how he or she looks at things.
You may not be able to control the economy, the market, the weather or the universe, but research shows that you can create your own good fortune when you believe that you have good luck. Studies have shown that lucky people tend to trust themselves more, dare to make bigger decisions, and able to see hidden opportunities than people who believe otherwise. So choose to believe that you are lucky from now on.
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