Creating a vision board and visualizing the things that you want to achieve in your life is one of the most powerful and effective method to manifest what you want. Most people understand the concept of how a vision board works, but they don’t do it because it will take effort to create a good vision board with the right pictures representing what they want.
Whatever it is that you want to achieve, change, or to feel, your vision board will act as a non-verbal reminder every time when you see it. Without even realizing it, you will be doing short visualization exercises throughout the day. The purpose of a vision board is to bring everything to life on it. It’s about creating an intention and working towards it.
You have probably read or watch the famous movie on Law of Attraction, “The Secret”, where most motivational and success coaches share how visualization has changed their lives. John Assaraf, one of the featured gurus said that he created a vision board for his dream home years ago, and only to discover that he has actually moved into that exact home he used as a picture for his vision board.
Your vision boards work as a tool to help you focus on a specific goal. Some people have a physical vision board where they hang the board somewhere they can see often, while others prefer to use the digital version through Pinterest.
Why Pinterest?
Pinterest is a social network that allows users to visually share, and discover new interest by posting, which also known as “pinning” images or videos to their own or other’s boards. Up to date, Pinterest has more than 150 million monthly active users and there are over 50 billion Pinterest pins on the website. You read that right, Pinterest has a lot of pictures and images on it and because of this, you can take advantage and create your vision boards using the images available on Pinterest.
More importantly, Pinterest is easy to use and it is free for all. You can head over to Pinterest homepage right now and create a free account and start discover and share medias that you found interesting.
How To Make Your Vision Board With Pinterest
Creating a vision board with Pinterest can be easy. There are a few ways how you can go about it and below are some of the steps that you can consider.
1. First, put yourself into a relax mode and get ready for the fun because you are about to create an exciting future that you desire. If you are using your computer to do this, play some soft music or inspirational songs that you love. Get a cup of your favorite beverage if you want to.
2. Consider the areas in your life that you want to create a vision board for. The most common category would be health and fitness, career and finance, and relationships. Of course, you can create more vision boards in other areas of your life such as spiritual, travel, personal growth, home, or whatever you want.
3. Once you have created an account with Pinterest, the next thing you need to do is to create a board on your Pinterest account for your vision board. You can choose to make the board public where everyone can see it or you can make the board secret where it will be private and only you can see it. The choice is yours.
4. Next, it will be fun time. You have to brainstorm what you want and then search through the images on Pinterest. Whenever you found images that can represent your vision or images that you like, you can “pin” the image. When you pin the image, you can choose to pin it into the board that you have created on the previous step. Use the search bar on Pinterest to discover interesting pictures that will inspire you and able to represent your dreams. Do understand that there are tons of great pictures available on Pinterest waiting for you to discover.
5. After you have pinned the images you want and save them into your boards, go back to your own board and make a final cut. You can always unpin images that you do not want and you can also edit the pin for a better description.
6. Name your board according to your vision boards. For instance, you can name your board as “Adventures”, “Fitness Goals”, “Books to Read”, or “Financial Goals”. The key is to make it personal so that you can feel it and relate to those pictures.
7. Now, you have created your digital vision boards using Pinterest.
8. Bring it to the next level by making your vision board physical. Use a photo editing website like Picmonkey where you can create a collage of all your photos. All you need to do is to save all the images from Pinterest into your desktop, and then use a photo editing website like Picmonkey or any App to create a collage as you wish.
9. The final thing you need to do is to print out your vision board and display it where you can see often. Now, you have the physical version of your vision board and also the digital version in your Pinterest account.
Making Your Vision Board Works
Once you have created your vision board, you have to make it work. There is no point in creating a vision board if it is not working. In fact, science have proven a vision board works because, first, it reminds you of what you want to achieve, and thus, creates the intention in your mind. And second, it helps you visualize the things you want in vivid details and this will indirectly inspire you into taking action.
Therefore, if you want to make your vision boards work for you, you must work on them. Put your vision board somewhere you can see often. The more you see the pictures on your vision board, the more likely you will remind yourself about them. And thus, the more likely you will take action and act on your dreams.
Another thing you can do is to schedule time for visualization using your vision boards every day. You can do this in the morning or at night before you go to bed. Look at your vision board and visualize the achievement of your goals. If it is a sports car that you want, imagine yourself driving the car, feel the steering and hear the engine roaring. If it is a multi-million dollar business that you want, see yourself running and managing the business.
You have to visualize in vivid details so that you will “feel” it as real as possible. Your mind cannot differentiate what is real and what is imagined. Hence, when you visualize, try to incorporate your senses and make it as real. You will activate the Law of Attraction and your mind will close the gap and manifest your dreams into reality.
- yoursuperawesomelife.com/blog/make-vision-board-pinterest/
- carladacosta.com/how-to-make-a-vision-board-using-pinterest/
- gentwenty.com/pinterest-vision-board/
- epreneur.tv/pinterest-vision-board/
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