Admit it:
Every lady rejects and avoid you like a rattle snake. In fact, you don’t even remember the last time you got laid.
Sometimes you sit in your bed sobbing in tears wondering what you did to women. No lady wants to be your girlfriend or get laid.
But the worst is seeing someone uglier or poorer than you snagging every hotties in town. And you can’t understand what the ladies see in this good for nothing person.
What does he tell ladies that you are not telling them? You’re more handsome, wealthy and great personality. What the heck do ladies want?
Hey, all that stops today, because in the next couple of minutes, I am going to take you to the pick-up mistakes that you’re committing.
Sugarcoating the Conversation
Do you know the classic pick up mistakes that guys do? I’ve actually done this before. Asking the lady boring questions thinking that she will like you. Here are the dumbest classic questions that average guy ask:
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What do you do for a living?
Do you have a boyfriend?
What are your hobbies?
Seriously, it is 2018. You’re not a fed questioning a criminal. Girls wants to meet to know you. Let me ask you..something does the questions you ask help the lady attracted to you.
It doesn’t help at all. At the end of the first date, she will just ignore you because she has not found you appealing at all.
Forget the boring questions. Don’t exhaust your mind asking questions that does not help you move forward. Ladies want you to ask questions that lead somewhere. Each question you ask should lead to attraction and seduction. (More on that in the next article)
Complementing Her Looks
I know you’ve read, “How To Win Friends And Influence People.” The classic books tell you to compliment everybody so that you can win them over.
How does complimenting a lady who has more than 5000 selfie on instagram, Facebook, twitter, snapchat help you win her over.
How To Win Friends And Influence People are outdated. The ladies who take such selfie, they know they are beautiful, gorgeous and appealing.
In fact, from today, R.I.P the PHRASE: you are beautiful. Ladies are fast at reading desperation from a guy. Say something unique about them that they’ve never heard from a guy. Start complimenting her looks after she has become your girlfriend.
Rehearsing Pick Up Lines
You’ve read too much about it on the internet. In fact, every dating Guru has their own dose of pick up lines that they give their follower.
Well, here is the brutal truth. All girls aren’t the same. The fact that it worked on one girl, it doesn’t mean that it will work with every other girl that you encounter.
In fact, how many lines will you keep memorizing. Chances are, you won’t even sound naturally using them. You’ll be FAKING the conversation and ladies will sense it.
You need to be natural. Ladies want you to portray that masculine looks in the way you talk, walk and even tone. Be human and forget about what you’ve learned somewhere.
Be confident about yourself. How do you do this? In the way you handle the conversation. When I wanted to meet my crush for the first time, I didn’t say I want us to meet in a for a dinner.
I said, Natalie I want to meet you because I don’t even know if we are perfect for each other. If we don’t measure up, I’ll walk away, no hard feelings.
Being Nice
I know you want to be nice and show the lady that you have good intentions for her.
I understand that. But it doesn’t help. Show the lady that you are a man. I hear most dating expert say that you need to smile to the lady so that she can know that you’re nice.
Look, you’re already nice. Research has that ladies don’t like men who smile so much. In other words, research is associated with weakness.
Here is the bottom line:
Ladies will accept you with full arms if you are yourself and manly. If you want to be nice, you wait for her to keep you in the friend zone. She will even tell her girlfriend that… you’re a nice person and she doesn’t feel attracted to you.
No Physical Attraction
This is a classic mistake that I did once and I believe most men do it. Let me tell you a little secret. Do you want to get laid?
Well, brace yourself for the awakening:
If you want to get laid you need to touch the girl. Your hands need to be doing something. You need to own the stage. The closer you try to touch her, the close your PENIS will get touched.
How do you do it in a typical setting? When you meet a girl on a date, give her a big hug or high five.
When you walk with her, try to hold her on the waist. If she refuses try something, maybe her hands….It’s just that simple.
In fact, choose activities that you know will help touch the girl so much..things like swimming, hiking… and so on. They are lots of games that encourage physical interactions. The more often you touch her the more she gets used to your hands and the more she will open to anything that you suggest to her.
Ready For Your First Date?
Picking a lady up is easier, but most guys complicate things. If you can avoid doing all the things that I’ve mentioned here, I don’t see why ladies should not fall for you.
To get a lady you need to be creative. Ladies have fear of strangers, that’s why you hear most of them say they can’t give out numbers to strangers.
As a man you need to know how to play that. Here is what I could say in that situation:
Great Natalie, I agree with you 100%. In fact, I felt that way before I asked you for that number. But do you know what, the great people in our life they were once strangers. When we let them in, that’s when we realize how great or best friend they were…. Thanks for reading to the end.
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